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Connect Cambium hotspot with Powerlynx

In this manual, we will guide you on how to add a Cambium router as a hotspot in Powerlynx. In our example, we are using a Cambium router with wireless interfaces. Customers will connect to the Wi-Fi provided by the router.

Navigate to the desired location, open the "Hotspots" tab, and click on the "Add" button:


  • Title - title for your router;

  • NAS type - select Cambium as a NAS type;

  • Connection type - The only available connection type for Cambium devices is "Public IP";

  • IP address - IP Address of the router. From this IP, the router should send requests to our system, so we can identify that router;

  • NAS IP - the real IP source address for radius packets. It is recommended that in the Radius settings of the Mikrotik router Src. address = NAS IP in Splynx.

  • Radius secret - RADIUS secret of your RADIUS server on the router;

  • Physical address - address of your router (optional).

After adding Hotspot to Powerlynx, configure your Cambium device as follows:

  1. Navigate to Configure/WLAN.
  2. Click on Add WLAN.
  3. Fill out the form based on your requirements and click the Save button.


  1. Go to the Radius Server tab, fill the form and save:

Authentication Server 1:

Host -

Secret - Hotpost secret from the Hotspot in Powerlynx

Port - 1812

Timeout - 10

Attempts - 1

Accounting Server 1:

Host -

Secret - Hotpost secret from the Hotspot in Powerlynx

Port - 1813

Timeout - 10

Attempts - 1

Account Mode - Start-Interim-Stop

Accounting Packet - On (Enable Accounting-On messages)

Server Pool Mode - Load Balance

NAS Identifier - AP-HOSTNAME


Interim Update Interval - 300

Dynamic Authorization - On

Dynamic VLAN - On

Proxy through cnMaestro - Off

Called Station ID - AP-MAC:SSID



  1. Go to the Guest Access tab, fill the form and save:

Enable - On

Portal Mode - External Hotspot

Access Policy - Radius

AP Server Protocol - HTTP

External Page URL - https://{YOUR_DOMAIN}/redirect-flow

External Portal Post Through cnMaestro - Off

External Portal Type - Standart

Success Action - Redirect user to External URL

Prefix Query Strings in Redirect URL - On

Redirect URL - https://{YOUR_DOMAIN}/redirect-flow/success

Redirection URL Query String - Client IP, RSSI, AP Location

Redirect HTTP-only - On


  1. On bottom of the same page select White List tab and add all these records:

The white list records depends on what payment gateway you are going to use. Each payment gateway has its own hosts to allow in this list.


  1. Powerlynx SSIDs

Add the SSID name into the SSID field under your location and under your splash page:



It is crucial to add the SSID in both places mentioned. It's not enough to add the SSID only under Location details or only under the splash page details.