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What is a location in Powerlynx?

In Powerlynx, a "Location" refers to a virtually separated segment of the system where you can configure specific parameters unique to that location. For instance, consider the list below, which includes four locations: two offices, a restaurant, and a hotel. Naturally, each can have distinct settings, branding, etc. Additionally, it's quite convenient to track customers originating from different locations. Undoubtedly, you would want to differentiate between customers connecting to hotspots in a hotel and those connecting in an office.

List of locations

For example, in the restaurant, you might want to provide free Wi-Fi access, whereas in the hotel and offices, only paid Wi-Fi is offered. In the restaurant, you could request clients to input their phone number and name when connecting, while in the office, you might ask for their name, phone number, and email. These settings can be individually configured for each location in Powerlynx.

At Powerlynx, we offer multiple filters for various types of data, allowing you to filter almost any record by location, including customers, their sessions, payments, and more.

Add a location

To create a location, simply click on the "Add" button in the top right corner, and you will be presented with a form to add a location:

Add new location

  • Name - Enter the name for this location (required);

  • Company name - Specify the company name for this location (required);

  • City - Enter the city where the location is situated;

  • Address - Provide the full address of the location;

  • Zip code - Enter the zip code for the location;

  • Email - Provide the email address associated with this location;

  • Phone - Add the phone number of this location;

  • SSIDs - This is the most critical field. Enter a list of SSIDs (or hotspot server names if you use Mikrotik devices). When a new connection is detected, we will compare the SSID from the connection information with this list to determine the location.


Once created, you can configure the location.

Created location

Pay attention to each tab you have here:

  • Details - Here, you can configure the contact and address details of your location. The most important field here is "SSIDs," which is a list of SSIDs (or hotspot server names if you use Mikrotik devices). When a new connection is detected, we will compare the SSID from the connection information with this list to determine the location;

  • Hotspots - This tab lists the hotspots (routers) at this location. You can find more details about hotspots here;

  • Payment gateways - On this tab, you should configure and enable the available payment options for your customers:

Payment gateways

In the image above, you can see that at this location, customers can pay using Stripe and PayPal, or by using a voucher code. The "Login using voucher code" option means you have a code that you can provide to grant internet access. To generate these codes, navigate to Vouchers/Series, click on the "Generate" button, create a series of vouchers, export them, and either print them on paper or store them in an Excel file to provide to customers as needed. Each payment gateway should be configured with the correct payment credentials. By clicking on the "Edit" button, you can set the credentials to use.

  • Plans - On this tab, you need to enable the available data plans that will be shown to the customers on the splash page. When you create a new plan, don't forget to enable it for each location where it should be available.

  • Splash pages - On this tab, you need to enable the splash pages that will be used at this location. You can find more about splash pages here.

Splash pages on location