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Connect Cudy hotspot with Powerlynx

In this manual, we will guide you on how to add a Cudy router as a hotspot in Powerlynx. In our example, we are using a Cudy WR1300 router. Customers will connect to the Wi-Fi provided by the router.

Update firmware

Make sure that your device is using the latest available firmware. Go to the General Settings / Firmware page and click on the Check for updates button.

Configure Wireguard VPN

Create a new hotspot in Powerlynx with the NAS type set to Cudy and the connection type set to WireGuard.

Powerlynx add hotspot

Click on the Generate Wireguard keys button and use them to create Wireguard interface on your device.

Powerlynx add hotspot

On the Cudy device, go to General settings / VPN.

Cudy setup VPN

Cudy setup VPN

  1. Turn on the Enable switch.
  2. Choose WireGuard Client under the Protocol select.
  3. Choose Allow all devices under the Default Rule select.
  4. Disable the Site-to-Site switch.
  5. Choose Remote Subnet under the VPN Policy select.
  6. Click the Edit item button near the Remote Subnet field. Add a new subnet as shown in the screenshot and click on the Save button. Cudy setup VPN
  7. Under the Interface section, set the IP Address to the value of the Your VPN IP field in Powerlynx.
  8. Set the Subnet Mask field to
  9. Set the Private Key field to the value of the Client private key field in Powerlynx.
  10. Keep the default value for the MTU field.
  11. Copy the Public key field value from Powerlynx under the VPN server credentials and paste it into the Public Key field on your Cudy device under the Peer section.
  12. Copy the Server host field value from Powerlynx under the VPN server credentials and paste it into the Endpoint Host field on your Cudy device.
  13. Input 443 into the Endpoint port field.
  14. Click on the Save & Apply button.

Confirm the VPN is up by using the Ping tool located on the Diagnostic Tools / Ping page to ping the IP address:

Cudy setup VPN

Setup captive portal

Next, navigate to the General Settings / Captive portal page.

Cudy setup VPNCudy setup VPN

  1. Turn on the Enable switch.
  2. Select the desired interfaces to enable the Captive portal under the Interface field.
  3. Set the Profile field to Manual.
  4. Set the UAM Server to value https://<your_subdomain> replacing <your_subdomain> with your Powerlynx installation subdomain.
  5. Set the RADIUS server 1 and RADIUS server 2 to
  6. Set the RADIUS secret to the same value as the Radius secret field in the Powerlynx hotspot form.
  7. Set the RADIUS NAS ID to cudy. You can change it to whatever you want, but remember that this value is used to match specific locations and splash pages in Powerlynx.
  8. Set the Preferred DNS to
  9. Set the CoA Port to 3799.
  10. Add and <your_subdomain> to both the UAM Allowed and the UAM Domain lists. If you use Netcash as your payment gateway, please refer to this list of UAM Allowed hosts.
  11. Click on the Save & Apply button.

Go to Powerlynx and open the location where you have added your hotspot. Add the value cudy to the SSIDs field under the location and save the form.

Cudy set location's SSID

Go to the location's splash pages and click on the desired splash page that should be used with your device. Add the value cudy to the SSIDs field under the splash page and save the form.

Cudy set location's SSID